KJV Simple Search Parallel Bible

KJV Simple Search Parallel Bible

Verse References

mat 5:5-8 , 43-48 / mar 6:19-21 / mar 7:24-28
Book names can be shortened, and there is no need to repeat them for passages with forward slashs
matt 19:16-30 | mark 10:17-31
Parallels are easy with pipes (SHIFT-Backslash)
philemon or 2 john 1
You don't need to enter chapter numbers for single-chapter books
matt 13:1-3, 24, 31
Commas can be used to provide a list of verses from a single chapter, in the conventional manner. An ellipsis (…) will show any gaps in the resulting text
php 2 or jn 3:1-2, 4, 9
As well as allowing shortened book names, most common abbreviations are also recognized

Bible Searching

grace peace
Entering something that isn't a reference drops you into a search of the New Testament for a verse containing ALL terms entered
god lov
Partial words will be matched — so lov matches love, loved, loving, pavlova, and so on
grace peace love
Adding more search terms will narrow down the search results
Entering a search in capitals will search the Old Testament instead

KJV Simple Search Parallel Bible Guide

Verse Tagger

KJV Bible verse tagger
Automatically tags a Bible reference on any website and creates a tooltip.

Paste this code into any Bible website or template.

Available on Google Chrome Web Store