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Focus On God To Solve Problems And Get Out Of Trouble.

By: David Hopkins
Wed, Dec 21, 2011
Focus On God
Thinking about and praising the Lord your God as much as you possibly can all day everyday is a foolproof way for anyone to solve problems, get out of trouble, get protection, and even beat addictions.
Focusing on God to solve problems may sound farfetched but it's actually the best thing you can do to receive unexpected blessings and answers to hard to deal with questions.
MEDITATE On The Word Of God All Day
Isaiah 26:3 States that God will keep you in perfect peace because you keep your mind on Him because you trust in Him, and Psalms 119:165 Says That great peace have they that love God's law and nothing shall offend them.
Everyone has problems, issues and situations that they need solutions for, some are major and others are minor but concentrating on, worrying about, and over analyzing negative things can lead to fear and make things a lot worse than they are.
True trust in God is the ability to not worry about your situation because you know God is in control, is good all the time, will protect you, will offer a way out of trouble and will even solve your problems for you.
Therefore gear your thoughts towards Him and His word at all times, and contrary to popular belief especially in times of trouble and despair.
In Psalms David often refers to God as his rock and redeemer because God always protected and saved him from trouble especially when his son Absalom took over the kingdom and tried to kill him. 2 Samuel 15.
REJOICE In The Word Of God All Day
Psalms 89:16 States That in God's name we will rejoice all the day: and in His righteousness we will be exalted, and Psalms 22:3 says that God inhabits (or is present in) the praises of Israel (His people).
We are His people because we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and saviour.
And if you've never experienced it then let me tell you; praising God most definitely brings His glorious presence, and when He shows up you instantly feel a million times better, you get confirmation that He is with you, and you know that He is taking care of your problems among other blessings.
Because praising God is a form of praying to God and that's why it works exactly the same way.
You don't need a high IQ or a versatile vocabulary to interact with God, just rejoice in His name and in His word.
David said I will call upon the LORD, who is worthy to be praised: so shall I be saved from mine enemies. Psalms 18:3
Other Comments
This is some good stuff keep up the great work
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