Do You Know How To Serve God The Most Efficient Way Humanly Possible?

how to serve god

By: David Hopkins

Wed, Aug 13, 2008

How To Serve God

If you want to know how to serve God the most efficient way humanly possible by giving Him your best, so you can get to your desired blessed state in life as quickly as possible without wasting anymore precious time, then listen to this.

Let's play a game, let's say God offers you a choice between A. An unlimited amount of time to get things done.

B. An unlimited amount of trust in yourself, or...

C. An unlimited supply of cold hard cash, which would you take?

Long drum roll please while you think it over carefully...

Ding, time's up.

If your answer is C. You live a fabulously self important, self righteous, money oriented life full of fake friends and phony family members and get the long annoying buzzer, sorry thanks for playing, game over, you lose.

If your answer is A. You live a productive, fun and entertaining life full of tragic health problems do to lack of self control and get the slow playing music that indicates you lost, sorry please try again, game over.

If your answer is B. You live a self-confident life that allows you to win people over to your way of thinking, gain money, good health, great friends, and anything else you want out of life and get loud ringing bells, flashing lights, balloons, people jumping up and down, screaming, and paper strings flying all over the place, you win!

Self-confidence is the glue that holds your faith together

Have you ever read the story about David and Goliath?

If not I highly recommend that you do.

Especially if you want to know how a small young shepherd boy killed a heavily armed giant man with a kids toy by using the self-confidence he gained from playing war games with his fathers sheep.

But to make a long story extremely short.

David was busy dreaming about being a warrior for the kingdom of God and practiced by killing dangerous animals with his sling shot while protecting his fathers sheep long before the giant Goliath and the Philistines came along challenging Gods people.

1 Samuel 17:34-36 ...Thy servant kept his father's sheep, and there came a lion, and a bear, and took a lamb out of the flock: And I went out after him, and smote him, and delivered it out of his mouth: and when he arose against me, I caught him by his beard, and smote him, and slew him. Thy servant slew both the lion and The bear: and this uncircumcised Philistine shall be as one of them, seeing he hath defied the armies of the living God."

He might have been a snot-nosed kid but he wasn't playing around when he single-handedly killed both a ferocious lion and humongous bear.

This crucial fact is the major factor in determining His self-confidence in believing he could beat the giant Goliath in a one on one fight.

I can see it now, he probably dreamed and practiced so often that he actually believed he was a warrior for God and a defender of Gods people.

"...moreover, The LORD that delivered me out of the paw of the lion, and out of the paw of the bear, he will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine."

Did you see it?

This one act of faith propelled David into super stardom for the kingdom of God making him King of Israel, which allowed him to win people over to his way of thinking, gain riches, good health, great friends, and anything else he wanted out of life.

And He accomplished all this without seeking any of those things.

But he used his self-confidence which he built by practice to imagine himself doing great things for the kingdom of God.

Which demonstrates to us that it doesn't matter what you choose to practice and become good at if you imagine yourself doing it for the kingdom of God you can become great in an instant if you stand in faith for the kingdom.

Now, I don't care if you practice and become good at washing dishes, if you imagine yourself doing it in a way that's beneficial to the kingdom of God and train yourself enough to seize the opportunity by faith when it arises you can do great things for the kingdom of God too, just like David did.

And especially since, David became a warrior/killer for the kingdom of God.

The Bible is the ultimate self-confidence building book

Alright, without a shadow of a doubt David definitely spent time on the word of God.

Or how else would he had known about the covenant promises God made to the Israelites?

One clue he gave us that shows he understood this truth was when he called Goliath "this uncircumcised Philistine" indicating that the Philistines were not in covenant with God.

So not only did he practice doing Gods will while defending his fathers sheep he also knew the word of God and practiced speaking it as well.

Think about it, the word of God was said so you can think positively and be happy about what you can do or need to do according to His word, therefore it won't work without self-confidence.

"I can do all things through Christ.."

"The joy of the lord is MY strength.."

"No weapon that is formed against ME..."

But if you'd like to know more about how to build confidence by speaking the word of God read say this confession to improve your self-control


Is your faith in God neglecting these 2 words?

And that's all, God is trying to get you to believe in yourself based on what he said.

Therefore the most efficient way to serve God is to use your imagination to practice doing the word of God which will allow you to open your mouth to speak the word of God.

This isn't magic.

Both of the ways described require practice.

So will you practice?

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There are 4 comments and 0 readers

Miles 22 Apr 2012

All i need to be happy to to have a roof oer my head,

food to eat, great family, and god to have as my lord

Kyky 02 Jan 2011

Good timing!...

Kyky 02 Jan 2011

All that was written in this article has been my state

of mind for a while now. and i have accomplished great

things thru self-confidence deep rooted in god.

lately, i have been going thru a phase in which

everything seems to be going wrong and emotional pain

was all i was collecting...

i went on google, searched for " how to serve god" and

now, i'm sure back at serving god even better than i


thanks dave,

god bless,


Kyky 02 Jan 2011

I'm presently hospitalized for severe abdominal pain.

all that was written in this article has been my state

of mind for a while now. and i have accomplished great

things thru self-confidence deep rooted in god.

lately, i have been going thru a phase in which

everything seems to be going wrong and emotional pain

was all i was collecting...

i went on google, searched for " how to serve god" and

now, i'm sure back at serving god even better than i


thanks dave,

god bless,


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This is some good stuff keep up the great work
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