KJV Flash Verse Memorization Tool Tutorial

memorize bible verses

By: David Hopkins

Wed, Mar 14, 2012

Memorize Bible Verses

The KJV flash verse memorization tool is a simple and effective online tool for memorizing bible verses.

The Lord put it in my heart and gave me the ability to develop a simple online verse memorization tool that's similar to the flash card system that's used for self study, testing and verse memorization.

It's really quite simple to use and there are only two ways to use it.

Bible Verse Location Guessing

This is where you have an idea about a verse's location in your mind and want to find out what it says, or test your knowledge of the verse.

For example: if you were thinking "the joy of the Lord is our strength" is located in Nehemiah, you would input neh 8:10 into the search box and it will appear with a location link which you can then press to expand neh 1:8 into Nehemiah 1.8 to get the full spelling of the book name.

It will also appear with a memorize link in which you can press to see if you matched the verse that you were thinking about correctly.

Bible Verse Keyword Guessing

This is where you have an idea about a verse in your mind and you may or may not know it and want to test your knowledge.

Staying with the same example: if you were to input "the joy of the lord is our strength" into the search box you will get the same location and memorize links just like before.

But this time if you press the memorize link you'll get the complete verse including all the words you left out to help you memorize the verse word for word.

So now "the joy of the Lord is our strength" becomes:

"Then he said unto them, Go your way, eat the fat, and drink the sweet, and send portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared: for this day is holy unto our Lord: neither be ye sorry; for the joy of the LORD is your strength."

And now you can read it over and over to fully memorize it if you like.

Cool huh.

I've experimented with a lot of verses like this and enjoyed learning verses this way and hope you do too.

It's really a great research tool for when you only remember pieces and parts of verses because it compels you to add more words until you get close enough to find the verse.

One more thing, in some of your searches (depending on the verse you're looking for and how many words you match) if you guess within 2 to 4 possibilities it will give you 2 to 4 verses to choose from kind of like a multiple choice question.

Try it out for yourself and see if it can help you memorize Bible verses and thereby get the word of God in your heart.

KJV Flash Verse Memorization Tool

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Tj 16 Mar 2012

That is cool. thank you for sharing what god has shown

you with us. i will have to try the memorization tool

out because i would like to memorize scripture again

like i used to. thanks again. god bless you. have a

great day.

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This is some good stuff keep up the great work
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