Acknowledge God To Avoid Painful And Costly Mistakes

acknowledge god

By: David Hopkins

Wed, Dec 28, 2011

Acknowledge God

Have you ever got stuck making a bad decision?

And when you made this bad decision did it snowball out of control to form a serious of unfortunate events?

And did these unfortunate events make your life miserable?

Well I have, and God eventually pulled me through, but it definitely wasn't for the faint hearted.

And to make matters worse all that unnecessary suffering I endured would've been avoided if I would've just listened to God.

I called myself trusting in Him to handle the situation thinking I was doing the right thing.

But I was wrong!

Every time I tried to correct the situation something else got in the way.

I thought I knew what I was doing!

I was being as patient as I could be!

It was just ridiculous!

And all that because of one stupid bad decision that I failed to acknowledge God about.

But anyway, I confess that I learned my lesson.

Thank God.

And hope that this little rant helps someone else avoid pain, suffering and financial loss.

Sometimes we forget how much God really is in control.

Of course now I could slap myself in the back of the head because I should have just went to God about it in prayer, and waited for His guidance and confirmation.

Philippians 4:6 Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.

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Tj 30 Jan 2012

I reread this and needed the emphasis for what i am

experiencing. recently a friend of mine gave me the

verse...'be still and know that i am god.' i really do

need to be still and 'i am god' is a very loud

statement. it means he is in control and i need to

trust him and let go and relax. i easily get worked up

and worried about this particular thing...but thanks

for this reminder to run to jesus first and hear from


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