3 Excellent Achievements From Doing What Pleases God
By: David Hopkins
Wed, Jun 10, 2015
Do What Pleases God
Excellent Achievement #1 - Worry Free Living
Isaiah 26:3 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.
Imagine a champion of the word of God who effortlessly shakes off rude and disrespectful people without feeling awful, angry, embarrassed or hurt about whatever they did.
A person with enough understanding to diffuse conflicts with the love and peace of Jesus, while keeping their joy intact.
And without breaking a sweat.
Not moved by threats, keeps cool, stays calm and collected in the midst of anger, rage and potential danger.
And confident they will win, knowing the Lord walks with them, since He told them exactly what to do and how to handle these situations.
As unbelievable as this scenario might sound, a superstar for the kingdom of God has the power to do all of this and a whole lot more.
However, a student of the world will always lash out in anger, disappointment and fear.
Peace comes from a true humble scholar of the Bible who takes the word of God with them everywhere and considers the word of God in everything.
The Bible says by Humility And The Fear Of The Lord comes riches and honor and life.
And before destruction comes pride, and before a fall a haughty spirit. Proverbs 16:18
It's tough and it certainly doesn't feel right.
In fact, it feels terrible, you feel cheated.
All the pressure falls on you, and no one else has to do anything.
And that doesn't seem fair.
Plus, they're in the wrong, and they started it.
You might ask "why Lord" why can't they give in this time.
I've Been there and done that.
But the Lord expects you, yeah you, the one who's trying to stay in His word to do it.
So just give in and do it, be pleasing to God, wait a little and then enjoy God's pleasurable rewards.
The pain that's caused by the flesh stings only temporarily, however the reward from being obedient to God lasts for eternity.
Excellent Achievement #2 - Not Easily Offended
Psalms 119:165 Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them.
You can read the Bible and train yourself to deal with offenses without anger.
That's what God wants, He doesn't need you to argue with people about gay marriage or evolution, which we all know goes against His word.
He wants you to work towards being peaceful, understanding and forgiving so that they have a chance at salvation too.
Work towards meekness, humility, and humbleness of spirit.
These are actual, measurable and undeniable evidences that prove you trust the Lord.
You should know that it's pleasing to humble yourself at the first opportunity, rather than humbled later by a nasty disaster.
Or what about feeling sorry afterwards and having to humble yourself after the fact with tears of sorrow.
And snot bubbles running out of your nose.
It's not worth it.
It just doesn't compare to the results that come from humility at the beginning which allows God to work miracles through you.
Excellent Achievement #3 - Enemies Become Allies
Proverbs 16:7 When a man's ways please the LORD, he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him.
Most people only want to show mercy when someone humbles themselves before them.
That's too easy.
But are you willing to show mercy to someone who did you wrong?
Disrespected, stole, cheated, lied, beat, raped, or murdered?
Even without remorse or an apology?
Without a doubt, It takes real courage and understanding of the word of God to accomplish these extremely difficult but merciful achievements.
And of course, God is always willing to bless you tremendously for it.
David 10 Jun 2015
Mabel 10 Jun 2015
Other Comments
This is some good stuff keep up the great work
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