Gods System Is Greater Than The World System

god system

By: David Hopkins

Wed, Mar 07, 2018

God System

Meditating and confessing targeted scriptures about the word of God over your life to internalize them to help yourself believe it is the key to understanding all the wonderful gifts God has given you.

I will say of the Lord He is my refuge...Psalms 91:2

I will call upon the Lord who is worthy to be praised...Psalms 18:3

And when you understand how much He's already done for you even to the point where you accept and believe, it's almost unbelievable.

That's in view of the world who has instructed us on what's needed to move ahead in the world system based on our own heritage, wealth, skill, ability, knowledge, favoritism, connections or talents.

But under God's system, which is a completely separate system that goes against the world system and cannot work in conjunction with that system, you need to motivate yourself to believe what God says and inspired men to say in the Bible.

And the Bible says that God loves you and has already provided every superb provision for any person willing to work to believe it and thereby receive it by faith which He already provided by grace.

He made it so you can enjoy life to the fullest without condemnation of sin and still land in heaven when you die.

The world system is gruelling and grievous in comparison, this is where you'll constitute questionable decisions or burn yourself out working long hours and kissing up to succeed, stressing people out and having an attitude all the time.

Also, choosing favorites, judging and vice versa based on whatever popular opinion determined world biases meant to divide the people against God.

Combined with unnecessary fear tactics and lies meant to control you so you can suffer and carry out what you're told without questioning evil, God hating authority figures who have infiltrated all aspects of society.

Arrogant and ungrateful people who credit themselves for success, put down others, and desire for you to achieve the same in an untrustworthy alliance orchestrated by the devils distortion of reality.

Yet God's system only requires faith and belief in God's unmerited love for you and His ability to supply all your needs which He already did anyway and is waiting on you to receive it all.

God is considerate of all your needs, desires and also your family and friends.

He even cares for the unbelievers regardless of there unrighteous unbelief.

But the Bible says that you are the righteousness of God by faith in Jesus Christ.

I'm The Righteousness Of God

Romans 3:22


Jesus died for all your sins past, present, and future mistakes and took the punishment on the cross for you since He loves you.

In which there is no greater love than to die for you.

And to give you everything you'll ever need for all eternity.

God Loves Me

Romans 5:8


God is the only reason you escape trouble when you initiate mistakes from falling for the tricks and deceptions of the devil.

He's not punishing you or threatening you, the Holy Spirit convicts you so you can steer away from sin that hurts yourself and others.

He is a true caring, considerate and loving father.

God Is For Me

Romans 8:31


Nothing can separate you from the love of God.

Not even a horrible sin or the vilest plot to destroy your life.

God has set Himself for you and He will not stop being for you no matter what.

He'll fight your battles to guarantee your success.

When the devil steals from you knowing the truth, he'll pay you back seven fold under the greatness of God.

God Will Never Leave Me

Romans 8:39


It's a brilliant idea to meditate and confess God's love for you.

To force your heart to know that God loves you so much, and is always with you and for you in every situation you can face in life.

Understanding this is when you'll love same as the one who loves you and your loved ones and others to the highest degree.

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