Is Your Destiny And Destination Unknown in Christ?

unknown in christ

By: Anthony Edwards

Wed, Sep 27, 2017

Unknown In Christ

How many of us have an inkling or even can say that they believe or even think that they know what God's plan is for them?

Matthew 16:24

This verse tells us what Jesus wants us to know when coming to accept Him.

Luke 9:23

Tells us what we must do after we have accepted Jesus as our Lord and Savior.

What it doesn't do is tell us or give us a clear picture of who He needs us to be or become.

That part falls on us.

That's when prayer comes into play.

Look at Matthew 7:7

Understand what that verse says and how it effectively would work in your life.

You see, Jesus knew his destination or destiny, even before He was born.

He knew where he was going because God had given him the knowledge to know this and to be able to see his mission.

We will never be the men and women that God wants us to be unless we are sincere in our prayers when asking God who he wants us to be, (Deacon, missionary, usher, elder, or maybe even a Pastor) or where he wants us to go when it comes to serving him.

For me after becoming a man of God, I had no idea the roads that God would be taking me down.

Nor did I know the impact that those roads would have in and on my life.

Shortly after accepting Jesus Christ as my Lord and savior I had become a Hospital Chaplain, and a few years after that I had become an online missionary.

(Global Media Outreach) Let's now take a look at someone who had visions and dreams that told him as a man of God what was to become of him.

Joseph was the son of Israel and although Israel had many sons, Joseph was his favorite.

In time his brothers had become very jealous and envious of Joseph and the two dreams that he had been given to by God.

Genesis 37:1-36

You see, although Joseph had been shown his destiny, and although his brothers would not, or could not believe in his dreams he still had to wait upon God to bless him no matter what had happened in his life or how bad his life might have become.

My prayer for you today and every day is that you would not be diligent while praying, but that you would be sincere when asking God who he wants you to be and where he needs you to be as well.

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This is some good stuff keep up the great work
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