Get Revelation Knowledge From God

revelation knowledge

By: David Hopkins

Wed, May 14, 2014

Revelation Knowledge

God said my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Hosea 4:6.

Do you find it difficult to break away from certain sins?

Do you believe that you just don't have enough will power to quit?

Do you feel confused?

Are you starting to get frustrated again?

And maybe even making excuses to justify your lack of success?

Or beating yourself over the head with disgust?

If that sounds something like you, then you're approaching the situation all wrong.

And what I mean by that is, you're probably only thinking in terms of what you can physically or mentally do to solve your problems and haven't considered what to do spiritually.

Did you know, you can create your own flood of revelation knowledge from God that's strong enough to break any stronghold or addiction?

Or did you know, it's also strong enough to help receive whatever good things you want out of life?

And it's already available and just sitting around waiting for you to take hold of.

It's not a secret either, and I’m going to try to make it seem as easy as possible.

First of all, you must read, study and meditate on the Bible every single day.

Even if you only start with just five or ten minutes.

You need to break the verses down and look up the meanings of words while referencing other sources concerning the things God wants you to know, say, and do.

Spend long hours if you have to, but make sure you're getting whatever you need to get out of the Bible.

Second, you also have to confess the word of God out loud consistently throughout the days to make yourself remember and believe them, keep referencing them in your conversations, also think about and visualize scenarios that you read.

Keep them with you at all times, don't let them fade away from your memory because they are extremely important.

Third, you should add a fast from food, certain people, and negative media, so you can focus on doing the two things above with more concentration, with your whole heart, and without the added distractions of the world.

And last, you should attend church services and Bible studies to fellowship with other believers for encouragement and strength.

And when your heart is full and overflowing with the word of God, you'll be led to pray aggressively with real strong faith from your heart and spirit, then you'll know, and God will know that you know, and He'll give you whatever you want with His generous, kind and gentle love.

This is the recipe that God has given us to receive revelation knowledge, ability and direction directly from Him.

This is how you receive God's grace through faith in His word.

You don't need anybody else to do this for you.

You are authorized to come humbly before God and get help for yourself.

These are the things that make you trust in Him, let's Him solve your problems, gets you out of trouble, and builds a strong relationship with Him through demonstrated heart-felt faith in His word. Even the most horrific, diabolical and stubborn problems can be demolished by the power of building faith in His word like this.

But as you can see from these instructions, building strong faith in God takes extra effort, consistency, determination, and focus.

Just like it should.

Because God deserves a lot more effort from us, but we always have excuses to give Him way less than He deserves.

Which, now that I think about it makes me sad.

Because building trust in God like this is faster, more efficient and better than reading other books, going to success seminars or getting advice from friends and people who don't even believe.

And more reliable and trustworthy than pursuing money, opportunities and relationships on your own.

And more beneficial than working overtime, watching movies, playing video games or sitting around eating and entertaining yourself.

Plus these four things will lead you to do all the other things God wants you to do.

Like giving tithes for the expansion of His kingdom, giving to the poor, needy fatherless children and widows, and teaching others how to live by faith, in which all have even more of God's blessings tied to them.

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Christopher 14 May 2014

Excellent word!! once again, the holy spirit has been

faithful in delivering this timely word through you.

god bless you!

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This is some good stuff keep up the great work
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