Do You Want To Spend More Time With God But Find Yourself Having Trouble Keeping Yourself Motivated?

Daily Bible Study

Sun, Feb 16, 2025

Would you like help in staying focused on God's word? If you answered yes, then what are you waiting for?

Subscribe to the Daily Word Of God Group Bible study encouragement newsletter right now and you'll receive tons of help in staying focused on God's word.

I know how it feels when you try to stay focused on God's word and try to keep yourself motivated to read the bible only to end up quiting.

You may be trying right now but finding yourself getting frustrated and on the verge of giving up.

This is exactly what the enemy wants.

Some days may be better than others but you just don't have that fire for reading the bible like you would like to have.

You know you need to read the bible to please God by building up your faith in His word.

"But without faith it is impossible to please him..." Hebrews 11:6

You know that reading the bible for yourself is the fastest and easiest way to build up your faith in His word.

"So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." Romans 10:17

Besides the bible says that building faith in His word everyday is just as essential as eating.

" shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God" Luke 4:4

The bible says that God and the word of God are the same.

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God" John 1:1

The Bible says that God will "bless all the works of your hand if you keep His commandments that are written in the bible" Deuteronomy 30:9-10

The Bible says that you will "make your way prosperous" if you read the word of God, think about what it says, and repeat it everyday. Joshua 1:8

That's why the purpose of the Daily Word Of God Group is to encourage you to study and discuss the bible. You'll read encouraging Christian articles by topics and issues that you deal with everyday.

These articles will lead you into reading your bible. This in turn will allow you to seek a more intimate knowledge of God by doing some research and studying on your own.

What's more you'll also be able to interact with other believers by commenting on articles based on your own experiences or thoughts for each Christian article.

Do you want the best for your family, then you need to get the promises from the Bible in your heart. If you call yourself wanting to do God's will, have peace and joy in your life then join the Daily Word of God Group.

You'll get the help you need to get the promises from the Bible in your heart. This will please God and allow Him to bless you like He always wanted to.

I am confident that if you sign-up to the Daily Word of God Group Christian bible study encouragement newsletter that you will get the help you need to stay focused on God and His word.

Which in turn will bring you blessings that can benefit you and the others around you as well.

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170 Verses That Prove The Bible Is The Word Of God!


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